#25 | Shiva Jaini | Driving intrapreneurship
In episode 25, I have the chance to talk to Shiva Jaini, Product Design Manager at Google - on driving intrapreneurship as a designer.
Certainly one of the most talented design intrapreneurs I had the chance to interview. We learn about:
- his journey of driving YouTube Kids during his time as a Staff UX Designer at YouTube (from an idea -> internal concept video -> a co-founded internal project -> nowadays an actual deployed product that people enjoy around the world)
- his experience working on Google’s Area120 and partner with several start-ups
- how to create confidence through design and drive internal incubation projects and ventures as a designer
- how he developed an audiovisual kitchen assistant which successfully graduated within 6 months to help kickstart the meals effort on Google Assistant
- how to inspire and convince stakeholders through vision and the importance of prototyping to drive impact
- insights from working on Google Assistant on voice design, understanding context and multi-modal design
This episode was recorded end of last year during uxindiaconf (ux-india.org) in Hydrabad where both Shiva and I were speakers. Thanks a lot for your time Shiva!
Read more about intrapreneurship and design innovation for new ventures at https://sebastiangier.medium.com/how-designers-drive-intrapreneurship-and-can-help-to-launch-new-moonshots-in-corporates-107296167030
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UX India is a not-for profit venture, UXINDIA is built by, built for, and sustained by its growing community of designers, enthusiasts, influencers from business, education, and governance.UXINDIA is being organized by UsabilityMatters.Org(UMO). With over 800+ attendees at UX India 2019, it was India’s largest conference on user experience design. UXINDIA™ helps to educate next generation by bring innovators and ux practitioners from across the world.
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