#79 | Sheng-Hung Lee | Empowering people through service design.


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The Guest

Sheng-Hung Lee is a designer, engineer, and educator. He is inspired by multiple domains of knowledge and different perspectives, and he thrives on creating new value for clients on multi-disciplinary teams.

He is trained as an industrial designer and electrical engineer, and his approach to problem solving is influenced by his passion for how design and technology impact and can be integrated into society. He has been focusing on product-experience, service systems, organizational designs, and education that create meaningful systemic impacts.

Trained in the disciplines of industrial design and electrical engineering, Sheng-Hung's approach to problem-solving is a beautiful blend of art and science. It's a symphony where design harmonizes with technology, creating a melody of solutions that deeply impact society. He really loves figuring out how design and tech come together and change things. It's like his guiding star.

Product experiences, service systems, organizational designs, and education are the canvases where Sheng-Hung paints his vision for meaningful systemic impacts. Every idea, is a brushstroke contributing to a larger masterpiece.

His academic journey, especially at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), has not only shaped his knowledge but also honed his skills and perspectives.

Awards and recognitions have adorned Sheng-Hung's path, validating the excellence he brings to the table. He's not just a designer; he's a beacon of creativity, a torchbearer for the integration of design and technology in society.


In this episode of Designdrives, we engage in a captivating conversation with Sheng-Hung Lee, an accomplished design expert and a dedicated PhD researcher at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Sheng-Hung's journey in the realms of design, engineering, and academia has equipped him with a wealth of knowledge and insights, making this discussion truly enriching.

Through this engaging dialogue, we unravel intriguing topics at the crossroads of science, engineering, and design. Sheng-Hung passionately advocates for the necessity of constraints and friction in this intersection, underscoring how these elements serve as catalysts for innovation and the birth of creative solutions.

In the episode, we jump into:

  • Intersection of science, engineering, and design.

  • Design in financial services.

  • How to balance design and engineering perspectives?

  • Sustainability and design in academic environments.

  • “As designers and engineers, understanding the user's perspective is essential. It's like speaking a language that the user understands, and that language is empathy.”

  • What is the power of design in innovation?

  • "Innovation thrives in constraints. Constraints are not roadblocks; they're the creative boundaries within which we find our best solutions.”

And plenty more!

Thank you very much for your time, Sheng!